9 Side effects of drinking tea!! चाय पीने के 9 साइड इफेक्ट्स!!

(9 )Side effects of drinking too much  tea.

Tea , one of the most loved beverages in world .
The most popular varieties are green , black , and oolong.

Few things are satisfying too like it as been a traditional medicine for healing properties for centuries. 
But on the contrary , drinking too much tea or exceeding 3-4 cups (710-950 ml)  per day can show some negative effects also.

1. Poor sleep

As tea naturally contains caffeine , excessive intake may disrupt your sleep.

And inadequate sleep is linked to mental issues, fatigueness , memory impairment, and less concentration or focus.

2. Nausea 

Nausea can be caused when drink excessive amount of tea  in a empty stomach. 

 Tannins , found in tea leaves are responsible for  bitter,dry taste . The styptic nature of tannin can also irritate digestive tissue, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea or stomach ache .
More sensitive individuals can experience this even at 1-2 cups (240-480 ml)  whereas some may drink upto 1.2 litres without any I'll effects.

3. Reduced iron absorption 

Tea is a rich source of Tannins  Tannins can bind to iron in certain foods , making it unavailable for absorption in your digestive tract.
Iron defeciency is one of the most common nutrient defeciency in the world .
And if you have low iron levels , consumption of tea can exacerbate your condition .

4. Increased anxiety , Stress and Restlessness
Tea leaves naturally contains caffeine.
Overconsuming caffeine may contribute to
feelings of Anxiety,Stress and Restlessness.

An average cup(240ml) of tea  contains about 11-61 mg of caffeine .
Black tea tends to contain more caffeine.

5. Heartburn

The caffeine in tea may cause heartburn or 
irk pre-existing acid reflux  symptoms.
Caffeine may also contribute to an increase in total production of acid  in stomach.

Caffeine can relax the sphincter that separates your oesophagus from stomach.

6. Pregnancy complications

Exposure to high levels of caffeine form tea , and other beverages during pregnancy may increase your risk of complications, such as 
miscarriage and low infant birth weight.

The best you can do is , you can prefer herbal tea which is usually caffeine free.

If you are pregnant and concerned about normal tea or herbal tea , it's adviced that you should seek medical help.

7. Headaches

Intermittent caffeine intake may help relieve certain types of headaches.
However, when used chronically , may experience opposite effects.

Tea tends to be  lower  in caffeine than other popular types of beverages , like soda and coffee.

If you have recurrent headaches and think they may be related to your  intake of tea , try reducing  or eliminating this beverage from your diet. 
That can be helpful 😊.

8. Dizziness 

Although feeling light-headed or dizzy is a less common side effects .
This symptom is usually associated with high doses of caffeine (400-500 mg) .

9. Caffeine dependence

Caffeine is a habit-forming stimulant  , and regular intake from tea or other source  could lead to dependence or say addicted .

Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal  may include Headache , irritability , increased heart rate ,and fatigue.

●Extra knowledge
​The popular varieties of tea are green, black , and oolong .
​All these are made from leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant.

● Herbal tea 

Vahdam Turmeric Ashwagandha Herbal Tea, Turmeric Tea Turmeric Herbal Tea Bags Box

